Close-to-body sensors technology for rapid isolation of COVID-19 patients
The Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems IMS has developed a measuring station for the contactless recognition of vital parameters. With this, the Duisburg research institute not only creates a step forward in body near sensor technology for the isolation of COVID-19 patients, but also sets new research impulses.

Vision Health
Scientists of the Fraunhofer IMS are driving their vision of health forward. Using smart sensor systems, they can record health-relevant information from the environment of people close to the body as well as at the cellular and molecular level in a highly intensive way. In this way, it is possible to develop efficient diagnostic support, suggest preventive measures and, if necessary, initiate targeted therapies, including the contactless recognition of vital parameters.
Contactless through the COVID 19 pandemic
The current COVID 19 pandemic is pushing hospitals to their limits. Increased utilization of their capacities and rapid isolation of patients to protect them from others requires top performance. Therefore, the Fraunhofer IMS has made it its business to develop a contactless measuring station for fast triage in hospitals. The realization of such a robust method for contactless determination of vital parameters and its application in hospitals is an enormous relief in the fight against COVID-19. The application of algorithms from the field of "artificial intelligence" (AI) has made this possible.
Two vital parameter determinations, one goal
Together with the University Hospital Essen (UKE) a measuring station for fast triage at the entrance of the hospital has been developed. With the help of two methods, temperature determination and respiration rate measurement, the state of health can be recognized and assessed without contact. This not only ensures the protection of the medical staff, but also allows immediate measures to prevent infection (e.g. separation from patients).
A progress for the future
Even in other areas, the contactless recognition of vital parameters can bring a great progress. The procedure can be used in home care, driver monitoring, neonatal monitoring or advertising research, among other areas. By determining various vital parameters, both the state of health and the reactions/emotions can be determined contactless. With the help of AI/ML algorithms these solutions become realizable, more robust and more efficient.