Business Unit Space and Security

The business unit Space and Security of Fraunhofer IMS offers the whole variety of services ranging from development to pilot production of customer-specific and innovative MEMS sensors (“micro-electro-mechanical systems“) with focus on optical sensors for space, security and defense. Latest state of the art technologies including BSI SPAD arrays („backside illuminated single photon avalanche diode“) and uncooled IRFPA (“infrared focal plane array“) which enable Fraunhofer IMS to provide flexible, future-proof and reliable customer applications for observation and surveillance of critical infrastructures on earth as well as in and from space.


As one of various applications in space, the business unit Space and Security of Fraunhofer IMS utilizes BSI SPAD arrays as highly sensitive detectors in LiDAR (“light detection and ranging“) sensors for a three-dimensional detection of the environment.  Within the ROIC (“readout integrated circuit”) of the BSI SPAD arrays, digital time stamps are generated reproducing the time of flight of a laser pulse sent out by the LiDAR sensor. Because of the compact and digital design of the ROIC itself, BSI SPAD arrays with high integration density can be realized by means of a modern wafer to wafer bonding process for usage in LiDAR systems with high optical resolution for various applications in space. In addition, LiDAR allows for a wider implementation of robotic systems for detection of the environment under harsh conditions, such as in space.

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Security and Defense

As one of various applications in security and defense within the business unit Space and Security of Fraunhofer IMS, the IRFPA technology allows for passive observation, detection and surveillance of people or objects by means of uncooled IR imaging methods. In this context, passive means that no active illumination of the scenery is required since, according to Planck’s law, people or objects emit IR radiation themselves. Depending on individual, customer-specific demands, either MWIR („mid wave infrared“) ranging from 3 µm to 5 µm or LWIR („long wave infrared“) ranging from 8 µm to 14 µm can be chosen as the wavelength range of choice for the IRFPA for various applications in security and defense.

Security and Defense
© Adobe Stock – Sergey Nivens
Security and Defense

In this regard, MWIR sensitive IRFPA sensors are suitable for detection and surveillance of so-called “hot sources”. The latter appear in sensing of gases by means of imaging methods or in firefighting. In contrast, IRFPA sensors optimized for LWIR are highly sensitive to human IR radiation and are mainly used for a reliable detection and surveillance of people under weak visibility conditions.

The business unit Space and Security of Fraunhofer IMS is looking forward to cooperating with you as a partner in industrial and public projects on a wide variety of topics concerning space, security and defense.

As part of our membership in the Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (FMD: “Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland”), we help to map the entire value chain of microelectronics.

We support you from the first idea to your own product!

Our fields of application - Our expertise for you


BSI SPAD arrays as highly sensitive detectors in LiDAR sensors for a three-dimensional detection of environment.

Security and Defense

IRFPA technology for passive observation, detection and surveillance of people or objects by means of uncooled IR imaging methods.


Business Unit Flyer

Here you will find condensed information on our business unit Space and Security.