- ECSEL project: “APPLAUSE” - Among more than 30 partners Fraunhofer IMS contributes to new tools, methods and processes for advanced packaging. We develop innovative MEMS technology for two use cases: biocompatible encapsulation for miniaturized cardiac implants, as well as microbolometers for low-cost and high-performance thermal infrared sensors for applications in automotive, safety and security. Learn more about this project via the official website: APPLAUSE – ECSEL Project (applause-ecsel.eu)
- Horizon 2020 project: “Drones4Safety” - This project aims to develop a system of autonomous, self-charging, and collaborative drones that can continuously inspect transportation infrastructures. Fraunhofer IMS leads the work package on “Energy harvesting and drone operations in harsh environments”. We develop a light-weight high-power energy harvesting module and shielding against high electrical fields which affect the drone during autonomous charging at overhead or railway power lines. If you would like to learn more about this project, please follow this link: Drones4Safety Project
- BMWI ZIM: “EQUIVert” - This innovation aims at creating a vertigo diagnosis and helping people to train their vertigo and to avoid dizzyness symptoms. EQUIVert is a novel biofeedback therapy system that has been developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems IMS in Duisburg in collaboration with the partners of the University Duisburg-Essen, the GED Gesellschaft für Elektronik und Design mbH and the HNOnet NRW eG. The EQUIVert system consists of the screening device EQUIMedi in the form of headphones and the corresponding software. With this system doctors are able to objectively evaluate the vertigo. On the other hand, the patients are able to improve the dizziness with the training device EQUIFit in a secure and efficient way. Learn more about this project on the homepage of Equivert.
These examples show some highlights of national and international cooperation and should help you to get a clear picture of our ambition. On national level we participate in various programs funded by the ministries BMWI (ZIM), BMBF (various programs), BBR, BMVG, BMEL, BSI as well as the government of North Rhine Westphalia. For cooperation in European projects Fraunhofer IMS participates in various programmes such as Horizon Europe, KDT (formerly ECSEL), Eurostars and PENTA. Nevertheless, we are always looking for new partners to open new application fields, to enter growing markets, to develop new technologies, to create new products and to combine national and international excellence in science and industry.
Fraunhofer IMS plans to offer a portal for partner search and offers in public projects to meet new partners of excellence for national and international cooperation and to open our ideas to partners.