Core Compentences

At the Fraunhofer IMS, we conduct application-oriented research and development for future-relevant applications, markets and products and align our work with the needs of our customers and partners. High-quality, efficient and marketable developments in the field of microelectronics, micro- and nanosystems technology are the focus of our contract work.

In order to meet the requirements of current development trends, we need know-how from the fields of application and market as well as from the field of technology. Through our organization, we combine both in an ideal way.

In our four core competences: Embedded Software and AI, Smart Sensor SystemsTechnology and Center for Sensor Technology we research and develop new technologies to provide our business units with innovative and smart technologies for their application fields, industries and markets.

We see our core competences as the engine of innovation - they research and develop the technologies for the products of tomorrow. Our developments range from artificial intelligence for embedded systems to complex sensor systems on a chip to micro- and nanosystems technology. By closely dovetailing the business units with the core competencies, we ensure that we focus our attention on developing the technologies that are needed in the respective fields of application.

(1) At the level of core competencies, we outline the technologies that serve our core competencies.

(2) Within each core competence, you will find detailed information about the individual technologies in which we research and develop.

(3) In the next level, we show you concrete implementations and solutions based on practical examples.

If you have additional wishes or ideas and need further technologies, please contact us – together we will find a solution for you.


Embedded Software and AI

Embedded Software and AI for applications from Health to Space, from Industry to Mobility, we make it possible.


Smart Sensor Systems

Miniaturized sensors together with smart readout circuits on a chip is the way we go.



The range of our technologies extends from microsystems to nanosystems engineering.


Center for Sensor Technology

We offer the core competence for semiconductor production line within innovative sensor systems.