
Cooperations inside the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft

The institutes of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft are working together closely. They cooperate in networks or combine their skills flexibly according to the requirements. Thus, they secure their leading position in the field of applied research and in the implementation of integrated innovations. That is why Fraunhofer IMS is also connected to other facilities inside the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. One example is the Fraunhofer Group for Microelectronics. In this network there are currently working twelve Fraunhofer institutes and three guest institutes with 3,600 employees and a total budget of 532.4 Mio. € on internationally linked top-level research in the field of nano- and microelectronics. Within the network, Fraunhofer IMS is characterized by its own continuous 8” CMOS line and its 8” MSt Lab&Fab. These competencies are used for joint projects within the group. Moreover, we contribute with our long years of experience to the design of the Fraunhofer strategy in the field of silicon technology.

In addition, Fraunhofer IMS is part of the Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland (FMD) – a global driver of innovation, consisting of eleven Fraunhofer institutes and two Leibniz institutes. As the biggest R&D network across different locations for microelectronics in Europe, this cooperation network offers a unique variety of competencies and infrastructure. The FMD is building a bridge between the applied research up to the customer-specific product development.

A special example for the work in cooperation is the Fraunhofer-inHaus-Center in Duisburg. Here, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is combining the potentials of Fraunhofer IMS as well as many business partners and young start-up companies. Together the inHaus network partners are conducting cooperative research and development work and inspire each other in the process. The focus of the research work is on the areas of smart home, smart city and connected healthcare while the individuals and their needs are always the central focus.

Cooperations are the key to success!

Through a close collaboration generate added value for all parties.

Fraunhofer IMS participates actively in a variety of associations and networks – both inside the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and in industry-specific, technology-related and regional networks. Through this we want to encourage technological exchange and convey results from basic research in application areas of economic and social relevance. Based on this close project or long-term cooperation – e.g. with the University Duisburg-Essen – research findings are supposed to be implemented into innovative applications. Through the networking with other actors in the national and international environment there is an attractive range of offers available. Particularly in this respect, our close cooperation with the university hospitals in Aachen and Essen in the field of medical technology is of great significance. Not only does our institute participate in cooperations, but there are also memberships of our scientists in committees and trade associations like VDI, VDE or GMM.

Current cooperations


The pilot line for “Advanced Packaging and Heterogeneous Integration for Electronic Components and Systems” (APECS) marks a major leap forward in strengthening Europe’s semi-conductor manufacturing capabilities and chiplet innovation as part of the EU Chips Act. By providing large industry players, SMEs, and start-ups with a facilitated access to cuttingedge technology, the APECS pilot line will establish a strong foundation for resilient and robust European semiconductor supply chains. Within APECS, the institutes collaborating in the Research Fab Microelectronics Germany (FMD) will work closely with European partners, to make a significant contribution to the European Union´s goals of increasing technological resilience, strengthening cross-border collaboration and enhancing its global competitiveness in semiconductor technologies. 

As part of the APECS pilot line, Fraunhofer IMS is focussing on the development of processes and tools that simplify the integration of modern semiconductor technologies.  



The aim of Velektronik project is to create a platform for the topic of "trustworthy electronics". It addresses overarching issues in the three pillars of the microelectronics value chain: design, manufacturing and analysis. For example, research is being conducted into trustworthy design methods, analysis processes and approaches for particularly trustworthy production processes for small series.

For more informations:

Logo of Velekronik
© Velektronik
Logo of the cooperation project Velektronik


Gallium Nitride ”GaN” is a promising material to replace silicon in power electronics application in the 650V market sector. Power systems based on GaN are lighter, more compact, significantly more efficient and potentially cheaper than those based on Silicon. Within the GaNext project we aim to remove barriers for GaN adoption and demonstrate the higher efficiency and power density of GaN-based system in a range of applications.

For more informationens:

GaNext Logo
© GaNext
GaNext Logo


Within the ALBACOPTER® Lighthouse Project led by Fraunhofer IVI, an airborne experimental platform will be developed and approved for testing and demonstration flights that combines the VTOL capabilities of multicopters with the aerodynamic advantages of gliders. The ambitious project will incorporate six Fraunhofer Institutes' expertise and technologies from the fields of mobility, materials science, energy and propulsion engineering, mechatronics, as well as sensor, communication and automation technology, artificial intelligence and production engineering.

For more informations:

© Fraunhofer IVI

Fraunhofer IMS is a member of the following specialized associations and committees:

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