Financed by the EU the participating institutes offer their know-how and infrastructure to third parties within the framework of the EU research infrastructure project. This also includes the free access to simulations and laboratories as well as concept and feasibility studies for interested parties from the industry and application-oriented research. The joint research is based on the areas energy harvesting, energy storage, power management and system integration. “Within the framework of the EnABLES project IoT developers and manufacturers are supported in particular. The offer ranges from technologies and situation models up to the design of devices and systems”, explains Gerd vom Bögel. All EnABLES partners have the fundamental knowledge and experiences in the implementation of IoT applications. This is supposed to be used for the support of users in the implementation of these technologies. The services range from feasibility studies over development support through simulation up to the test of prototypes – depending on the requested application. Fraunhofer IMS carries out the feasibility studies of a completely wireless sensor (energy supply and measurement data transfer via radio) for industry and building applications or performance measurements of a novel harvester IC.
A first step within the project is the setup of a so-called “start community”, a platform in which all EnABLES partners can network. This way, the internal cooperation can be strengthened – joint research work, under the consideration of the individual requirements and possibilities contribute their part as well. Moreover, a portal has been built ( that allows for communication to researchers and laboratories. Interested parties can sign up without obligations to get further information. Specific inquiries for support in form of services by the EnABLES partners can be made easily and unbureaucraticly via the portal.
The EnABLES project is supported within the program “Horizon 2020“ of the European Union. The following European institutes are working on the project: Tyndall National Institute (Ireland), CEA Leti & Liten (France), Fraunhofer IMS (Germany), Fraunhofer IIS (Germany), imec (Netherlands), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (Germany), Politecnico Di Torino (Italy), Universität Bologna (Italy), Universität von Perugia (Italy) and the University of Southampton (Great Britain).