Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anna Lena Schall-Giesecke

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anna Lena Schall-Giesecke is head of the Photonic Structure Integration group at the Fraunhofer IMS. At the same time, she works as a professor at the University of Duisburg-Essen at the Chair of Electronic Devices and Circuits.

Doctorate at Fraunhofer IMS

In which areas are you conducting research?

In the field of integrated photonics, we are researching innovative solutions for smart sensor systems and quantum photonic circuits. By using microscale optical waveguides, we make data communication orders of magnitude faster and more energy-efficient than conventional electronics. We are developing chips that can process data with light or represent a sensor themselves.

What is your advice for a successful PhD?

From my point of view, it is crucial to have the interest to look EXACTLY without losing sight of the WHOLE. The integration of the individual work into the state of the art is my focus.

How does the topic identification take place?

Our PhD students can choose to focus on technology or simulation, depending on their interests. When choosing a topic, the focus is on finding solutions to the challenges of photonically integrated devices and their systems. In doing so, we work closely networked with colleagues from the area of circuit design and the in-house clean room technology as well as industrial partners.

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